• If you need creative strategies for decreased stress, and ground-breaking techniques for your team or family, now is the time. You can choose to shine.


    While mental health is important, the strategies that really work are often hidden or made complicated. It doesn't have to be that way.


    Book a quick consultation to find out whether Re-SET, Supertribe, or Keynotes by Katherine, could be for you, your team, or business.

    Katherine Flynn

  • broken image


    Katherine deep dives mental health and well-being with proven insight into personal power, identity, and motivation.
    She tells compelling stories to highlight the power of what she has encountered internationally, and comes up with the evidence of how we create a better future for mental health.
    "When Katherine speaks the audience are drawn to laughter and the verge of tears" Lisa J (Director of Recovery)
    "Katherine was inspirational and it was a pleasure to share her insights and wisdom as well as humour" Gabrielle V (Director Social Inclusion)
    She has also worked on a program based on her years of experience in research, counselling, and coaching called the Re-set Program. Email Re-Set form for further details.
  • Speaker

    Keynote Series: Details Coming.




    A Dynamic & Accessible Approach to Mental Health Explored Through a Unique Lens

    In her powerful keynotes Katherine will convince you it's not always in the methods we conventionally think of, but in the most unique approaches, that we often find success. Trauma and struggle can become triumph and joy.

  • The Hit

    Some mindful motivation to give you a dopamine hit of the literary variety

    April 6, 2019
    March 11, 2019
    February 15, 2019